UN Interfaith Harmony Week ( (a United Nations observance on the first week of every February) was observed in Karikkam, Kerala on February 9, 2018. Dr. Thomas Mathew, Chairman of IARF South Asia was the chief guest and resource person of the program. Karickam International Public School, in partnership with Cosmic Community Centre, Karickam, Kottarakara, Y.M.C.A, IARF, Balajana Sakhyam, Kerala Kavyakala Sahithy, Cosmic Music Centre, Odanavattam, Kollam St. Mary’s Public School, Mulakuzha, Chegannoor, is hosting a Harmony Week Celebration with about 100 volunteers, serving over 5,000 community members, over 20 hours for all the events in 7 days.

UN Interfaith Harmony Week observed
UN Interfaith Harmony Week ( (a United Nations observance on the first week of every February) was observed in Karikkam, Kerala on February

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